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Recipe for 1 serving:
GojiLIFE Freeze-Dried Goji Berries - 2 TBSP
• Organic Chia Seed Pudding - 1 cup *see below for recipe*
• Organic Peanut Butter - 1 heaping TBSP
• Organic Blueberry Jam - 2 TBSP 
• Organic Slivered Almonds - 2 TBSP
• Organic Apple - 1 sliced Apple 

Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl, stir and enjoy immediately! Feel free to substitute jam flavor and choice of nut. 

* Chia seed pudding recipe:
For approximately two servings, whisk together 1.5 cups of your favorite non-dairy milk, 1/2 cup of Chia Seeds and 2 TBSP of Maple Syrup. Pop it in the fridge, let it sit for 3+ hours and voila! This can be pre made the day before and lasts up to a week when stored in the refrigerator. 

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